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Looking for a revamp in your style? To freshen things up and have clarity around what you wear? 

Inside The Style Refresh we jump into your current wardrobe, see what’s working and what you love, shop for some new pieces and create a series of fresh outfits that you feel amazing in.  





  • A Virtual Wardrobe Session
  • 2 hours together in your wardrobe
  • Styling advice on Outfit Formulas, Style Uniforms, Modules and 4 Steps To Outfit Making 
  • 18+ Fresh Outfits you feel amazing in
  • Personal Shopping for wardrobe holes and desired pieces 
  • Personalized Digital Style Package with:
    • Outfit Creation
    • Style tips on ways to wear and accessorize 
    • Shopping links to any holes in the wardrobe or elevated pieces
    • Digital recap of Style Advice

You know that you’ve got some really great pieces in your wardrobe, items you feel really great in, but you want even more of that. You want to figure out how to maximize the wear and get more versatility out of your pieces. 


Maybe you’re almost where you wish you were at with your style but you’re ready to mix things up a bit and intentionally add more pieces to your wardrobe.    


Or you’re tired of the amount of time it takes you in the morning trying to figure out what to wear that’s different from the same thing you wear every day.  


The Style Refresh will help you get that hit that next level in your style. Give you clarity and new life to your closet. Fill holes in your wardrobe with intention and function.


  • Have a fresh collection of outfits to wear
  • Feel vibrant and excited in your style  
  • Know how to mix and match your pieces for the most versatility
  • Have intentionally filled holes in your wardrobe to maximize its potential 
  • Know the style foundations of outfit making 
  • Have ease & clarity in getting dressed 
  • Have time back in your morning 

The average woman will go out and spend hundreds of dollars on revamping her wardrobe with no strategy or understanding of what she’s looking for.  


Let’s revamp your wardrobe with what’s already in your closet and intentionally refresh your style needs.

If you’re ready to take your style to the next level and create a collection of outfits you feel amazing in, jump into The Style Refresh and let’s shake up your style!  




After you purchase the service I will email you with dates to schedule The Style Refresh.
My availability is M-F between 9-5. 
This service must be used within 30 days of purchase.